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Thursday, January 28, 2010

I lost sight...

of the important things in my life. I normally post about the kids and the different things in their lives, but never about myself or what I'm feeling.
I am so sad to say this but I have lost my way...and I need to get back on the right path with Christ. My faith has never faltered and I have never stopped loving Christ but I have allowed some not very Christ-like things enter my life here lately. I haven't been to church in a while, I have thought some very ugly things, and said some very ugly words. My prayers lately have been about me and what I want, and not God's will.
I finally broke down and realized this today...I have surrounded myself with things that the enemy has given me. How can I be a good role model and leader for my kids if they see me doing this or saying the ugly things that I have said? Truth be told, I can't.
I love Christ will everything that I am and I know that He knows what is good for me. He has my heart and my soul and only He, with his glory, and with his infinite wisdom can help me. I just love Him soooo much. Christ died for me...HE DIED FOR ME...before I was even thought of. That is the ultimate LOVE.
So, I need to get myself straightened out...and that's just it.

Well, here's an update on me...


Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh My Goodness...

Greg and I are rearranging our apartment and cleaning out a lot of stuff that we don't use or don't need. I tackled my craft closet and all the craft stuff that I have accumulated. While cleaning out my little area I discovered that I have a calender and 3 planners. Then I thought to myself "I am soooo horrible and ashamed of my time management"....I am late to EVERYTHING! How is it possible for someone to have that many planners and still be late to everything???

So instead of making a belated New Year's Resolution, I am going to work on my time management and hopefully get better at not being late to everything unless it is planned!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Kids & Hubby think I'm the Greatest...

Last week, I tried really hard to make sure that the house was clean everyday and dinner was on the table when Greg got home from work. Afterall, he does go to work everyday and works very hard so that I can stay home and raise our kids. He knew that I was really tired so last Wednesday, he took Chloe to cheer, and they surprised me and brought me home 2 roses...a red 1 and a peach 1. Chloe told me "Daddy got you the red one because he LUUUUVS you, but I gotcha' the peach one, cuz' I think you are the best mommy in the whole wide world!"....I love them soooo much!

Tiny Miss Williamsburg

Last Sunday, January 10th, Chloe and I drove to Williamsburg so she could compete for Tiny MIss Williamsburg. She was in the Mini Miss (4-5 year olds) division. We opted to get her hair and makeup done by Ms. Dawn this time. Ms. Dawn did a beautiful job on Chloe!
Chloe was absolutely beautiful...when she walked out on stage for beauty, she took my breath away. I cried because I was so proud and forgot to take stage shots of her!
For winter wear, our good friends, Chareese and Azaria, loaned us a couple of Zarie's outfits so that Chloe could look cute as a button, which she did! My sister from another mister, Melissa, also came, and her daughter, Savanna (Chloe's BFF), competed in the Wee Miss (2-3 year olds). Savanna was so beautiful and she rocked casual wear! Savanna placed 2nd runner-up in her division.

Chloe won the title of 2010 Tiny Miss Mini Miss Williamsburg, as well as Best Smile, Best Attire, and Prettiest Eyes.

The pic below is Chloe hanging out in the dressing room

Chloe with Miss Hampton & Miss Tidewater-Peninsula

Chloe being crowned 2010 Tiny Miss Mini Miss Williamsburg

All of the Winners of Tiny Miss Williamsburg

After the pageant, we met Melissa, Nana Fran, and Savanna at McDonald's!

The Eli Bug

Eli is growing into such a handsome little bugger! He is definitely a mommy's boy and a snuggle bug...he loves to cuddle. I can picture him being my little quarterback. He already loves to throw different balls for us to catch...though right now, his favorite is his little soccer ball. Since he has started walking, he is into everything. We have to make sure to close the bathroom doors and the door to every bedroom but his and Noah's. He's about 22-24lbs now, with beautiful blonde curls and the clearest blue eyes I have ever seen on a baby boy. All of my children are my little blessings and the reason I get up every morning. They warm my heart.

The pic below is what Eli thought of his bologna sandwich...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year's Goals (Not Resolutions)

This year, I have decided not to make resolutions. Resolutions get I have made a few goals for myself.

My first goal is to lose 70 lbs. I have my 10 year class reunion in June and though I really need to lose a lot more than 70 lbs, that is the first big goal.
I want to start getting back in to church. I have strayed really bad and I know that I need Him above all else.
I want to get off of the Pepsi drinking kick...I have already switched to Crystal Light & Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi. Not quite as good as the real thing, but a little bit better for me!
I am trying to be a better mommy & wife...keeping the house clean, laundry done, and dinner on the table for my man when he gets home. I did really well with it last week, but this week has been a little bit more complicated with the medical issues I have going on.
I also want to be able to get rid of all of my meds and as I become healthier.

This is the start of another long journey for me!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Eli Walks!

My little bug, Eli, started walking on December 18th! We are so excited!!
I was sitting on my couch, playing on the computer and just happened to look up...Eli was walking across the living room floor, like he'd been doing it for months.

Here is a video from January 9th...

All About Noah..

Noah, my 2 year old, is growing like a weed. He used to be my quiet, innocent one...not anymore!! His favorite words are "NO!" & "You're Bad!"...both are words that he says often. He is 24 lbs, still my little squirt, but he's filling out a little bit more. His hair went from non-existent to beautiful blonde curls. His eyes, no longer blue, are a bluish-grayish-green. Such a cutie! He still has the sweet personality and he's still a "Momma's Boy". Greg wants him to play football when he gets older, but I don't see that happening...I'm afraid he'll get hurt. Maybe baseball or soccer.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I consider myself to be a crafty momma...I make hairbows, tutu's, pillowcase dresses, legwarmers...I just love to do crafts when I can find the time. I have my store on etsy... and my store is The Coco Bean Bowtique (Hmmmm...wonder where Coco Bean came from???), which I ultimately plan to stock. Here are a few examples of my stuff...

Chloe's Christmas Korker Bows

Brianna's Fall Fairy Tutu

Ally's Pillowcase Dress and Korker Bow

Dominique's Appliqued Stocking


Christmas 2009

This Christmas was awesome...I had my husband home. Last year, he was deployed to Kuwait. We also decided to start our own traditions since we are moving to SC in July and may not be able to make it back "home" to my hometown of Emporia next December.
This year, on Christmas Eve, we headed down to my Mimi's to see everyone and eat some of Mimi's homemade goodies. I made some homemade goodies to bring too...including Reindeer Poo & Peanut Butter Kiss cookies. We opened presents at Mimi's and the headed over to my sister, Kelly's, to do a gift exchange there. We were also excited because Kelly and my brother-in-law, Jesse, had just moved in to their new home, which is absolutely beautiful!
Then after that, we packed up and headed back home to Va Beach to have Christmas morning with our children at home.
Chloe wasn't sure whether or not Santa was coming because we had told her that the elves were on strike because Santa couldn't pay them. She was satisfied with that theory...we have decided to teach our children about the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ. But, we can't really tell a 4 year old that Santa's not real because our 4 year old would tell everyone...including kids whose parents didn't want them to know that yet!
Chloe was very excited to see that Santa did leave 1 gift for her and her brothers and even proclaimed "Look Mom, we were good enough to get 1 present!"
Greg read Chloe the Christmas story of Jesus birth in the morning of Christmas Eve...we caught her giving her own version to her brother, Noah. She had her Daddy's Bible open like she was reading. Such a beautiful, precious moment to catch.

Check out the slideshow...lots of cute pics!

Jam LIVE!...Tootie's 3rd Cheer Competition

Jam LIVE! was by far, the most fun cheer competition that Tootie has done! It was right across the street from us (woo hoo!) and when we walked in, you could just feel the excitement Tootie was putting off. There was a red carpet set up and a little area for the girls to pose with lights that went off like cameras. When you walked in, there was this huge stage with the LIVE! Leader Lounge...It was just cool! I came prepared this time with my Extreme Supreme t-shirt with the button that shows my daughter's cheer pic (yeah, I'm one of THOSE moms!), and I made a sign this time!
Tootie was hilarious as usual...during their final practices at the competition before they went on stage, she couldn't do her Coach Cheryl got down on the "Chloe level" and said "Ok, Sister...I NEED you to land this. Do you think ya can?"...Tootie's response "Sure Coach Cheryl, I got this!".
Sure enough, our girls kicked major teeny, tiny cheer booty! All of the girls did what they were supposed to do, even with a last minute change to the routine the Thursday before (darned flu took 1 of our girls out!). Best of all...Chloe did her stunt like a pro!
The Sparklers competed against a set score of 3.0...their score...a 4.7!
Congrats to our Sr. Hip Hop Dance team who rocked it out and had 1 of the highest scores there...even beating out some of the All-Star squads!
Congrats to our cheer sister, Azaria, who cheers for the FAME All-stars of Va Beach, they also won their division!

Chloe & Zarie...Cheer Sisters from 2 different squads, both champions!

This is 1 of my favorite pics...Chloe and Zarie...Cheer Sisters, representing 2 different squads!

The Nutcracker...

Chloe was in her final recital for the Art of Dance Academy on December 19th. It was bittersweet...she has grown so much at this dance studio. We absolutely love her teacher, Ms. Allyson. Chloe adores her. She only has 3 more classes to finish up the month of January and then she gets a long, much needed break until July, when we PCS to Beaufort, SC. Chloe says she doesn't want or need a break, but truth be told, Mommy & Daddy do! Plus, it's not really fair since AODA starts preparing for the recital's early and she won't be there.
Chloe is very talented and loves dance so we will let her continue once we move!