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Monday, July 27, 2009

Praising Our Jesus

Chloe is such a wonderful little girl...and she loves her Jesus with a love most adults don't understand.
We started to read to her every night before she goes to bed. Her dad got her this book by Sheila Walsh that has the Bible stories for Princesses and then a devotion afterwards. We finished that book about 2 weeks ago and now we are reading The Veggie Tales devotions with her.
Noah and Eli don't really understand what we read them yet but we do take them to church.
Greg and I want to raise our children with enough faith in God, that no matter what life throws at them, they will not falter.

My precious girl getting ready to go to church

Eli, ready to go!

Noah, He was a little upset that I put his backpack on him!

Bradley Family Reunion~ June 28th, 2009

We had our family reunion for the Bradley side of family on June 28th, 2009. I have attended this family reunion almost every year since birth and now I get to take my children!
Such an exciting time and I feel so very blessed that the Lord has blessed with such wonderful and close family!
Here are a few pics...

Me & My 2 Favorite Girls

Eli enjoying his food

My Noah, and My cousin, Noah, playing in the dirt!

My Sister-Amy, Me, My Brother-David, My Stepmomma and My Daddy